
The Alchemy of Sales


Pseudoscience focused on the attempt to change base metals into gold.

Ancient alchemists believed that, under the correct astrological conditions, lead could be “perfected” into gold. They tried to hasten this transformation by heating and refining the metal in a variety of chemical processes, most of which were kept secret.

實在很喜歡錬金術師這個名詞, 更喜歡"鋼之錬金術師"這套卡通...雖然用上"銷售之錬金術師"或"The Alchemy of Sales" 這個名稱,委實沒有從中想尋找出銷售過程中的錬金術的意思,只是因為工作性質及覺得這個名詞很”pro”,才有這樣的組合吧....

4 則留言:

渣估 說...

從 Alchemy 個字, 我聯想到

"因量變而質變" 呢個概念,好有深意.

英倫肥龍 說...

"因量變而質變" ,就好如陰陽兩極,好如有形無形,變幻才是永恆.


xiao zhu 說...


英倫肥龍 說...

係呀, 其實好多野都好似煉金術咁, 就算萬事俱備, 如果無一個可靠既過程, 所係得到既, 未必係你所想.