
Ian Thorpe 退休了

肥龍自少游水唔叻,但就非常鍾意睇游泳競賽項目, 尤其自由式既項目.

尋日,知悉Ian Thorpe (科比)決定退休了.


朋友K寫得啱,人生身處或到達不同階段時,就會為不同既目標奮鬥,千祈唔好只滿足現狀. 因不進則退.

"大腳八" 、"鯊魚戰衣" 、"最後五十米開始用埋脚踢水開TURBO" 等描述依然歷歷在目.


"I've reached all of the dizzying heights of this profession. I've had all of the success that I never thought would happen for myself, and for all of that I'm extremely appreciative."; "I'm happy with what I've done. I'm happier now than I've ever been." - Ian Thorpe

1 則留言:

Gary Cheung 說...

原先想仍可在2008北京看到他的表現... 世事難料!