肥龍喺 saintvenus叙情詩果邊見到呢個上鏈既運茶人形, 鍾意到不得了. 諗都唔駛諗, 今日立即走咗去四圍搵, 結果真係搵到兼買咗.
返到屋企拆開packing後, 實在唔可以唔讚嘆日本玩具既心思同功藝, 及把古物運用當今科技展現出來既能力. 除咗原設定(運茶人形)外, 隨書亦示範咗其他造型及情景, 總之一句: 「真係好得意同過癮呀!」
另外亦要讚呢本隨書, 圖文並茂咁介紹埋日本上鏈人型既歷史(200年前)同後來發展, 實在大開眼界. 雖然肥龍唔識日文, 但都睇得津津樂道.
講番個運茶人形模型, 除咗機械部份, 仲要去揾和紙去做衣服(模型唔包, 要另外自己買/做). 咁就要先去買咗和紙後 (但未諗好去買咩色, 有花定冇花, 又圖案定暗花...), 遲啲再砌好影相. ^^
26 則留言:
係唔係各大日本書店都有得賣? 10算?
係呀, 好複雜. 淨係整件衫既紙樣及程序已經八頁紙, 要慢慢睇同整出黎.
喺宇宙船(日本書店)有得賣. 我喺銅鑼瀛皇室堡果間買. 近10算. HK$220.
Old cake,
^_^ thanks a lot for the offer! Just too much trouble to get one and ship it here. I will be back in a few months and will get one myself. :P Would you take some videos and show us how it works, please!
無問題! 你等我呀...
That is a quarterly magazine and the next issue will be in Sep. I'm afraid it may all sold out when you come back...
啱啱喺灣仔書店見到, 八算, 賣HK$180...
你幅 "近照" 駛唔駛型成咁呀... :p
Thanks for the heads up! If it is a magazine, I may be able to find it here in the US. ^_^
haha. Nice "近照"!
Can someone please tell me the name of this magazine?
Thanks a lot
嘩, 你架蝙蝠車幾掂喎!
又, 請問係灣仔邊間書店呀?
Found the name! Just saw it in the photo... hehe
Old Cake,
就係叫《大人の科学》呀! ^^
灣仔188入面, 三樓, 上樓梯後右手面, 有間專賣日本雜誌既店.
收到! 過兩日會經過188, 上去睇下先!
I am going to that Japanese market tomorrow. I'll try to find this book. Wish me luck! hehe
I went to the Japanese market yesterday. Believe or not! The shop has been closed since the thunder storm that we had on Thursday night. I was so disappointed. :( Will try it again next week.
My little robot...
Old Cake,
嘩, 好犀利喎咁...咁等你買咗再同你研究套衫點整.^^
btw, 你住喺中西(midwest)?
I will have to buy special paper, right? I bet the price of the paper is expensive wor.
Yes, I am located in Chicago. 伊利諾州(Midwest) The thunder storms were on the HK news two days ago I think.
哦, 明白哂. 係呀, 我睇報紙咋. ^^ 咁依家天氣好啲未呀?
其實我都未知果啲紙要幾錢, 不過就唔係度度買到, 咁要去搵先有呀. :(
The weather is back to normal. In fact, I am going out to fly my helicopters this afternoon. :)
Oh geez...it may be hard for me to get the paper la. Need to find the robot first!! hehe
今日到188點知揾唔到... 可能要去番sogo先得
嗯? 我指最頂果層(三樓)右手面果間, 我今晚經過仲見到有兩盒呀!
係? 可能我去果陣未開鋪掛...